Ano Turtiainen, a Finnish member of parliament, held a speech on 29th June 2021. He was confronting his colleagues in a straightforward speech concerning the bill to modify the Finnish epidemic law. He underlines that the bill is a violation against the Finnish constitution and its core values of freedom, independence and integrity. He proclaims that the spirit of the proposal is illegal, harmful and discriminating. He also quoted professor Luc Montagnier by saying vaccinated people have become virus variant spreaders.
Here is his complete speech as seen on this video:
“Honorable Chairman, constitution is the supreme law for us all. I remind you all once again that nothing surpasses it – absolutely nothing. Our constitution guarantees us liberties: physical integrity, freedom of movement, privacy policy, freedom of establishment and legal protection. And additionally, my dear colleagues, it promises us equality, the value which you remember to mention in connection with every absurdity.
Honorable Chairman, regarding this bill, the committee has failed to comment in its reports on the overall insanity of the government. Instead it has solely made some pathetic fine-tuning to it. This bill is namely one of the most violent and the most discriminating ones that I have come across in a while. It contradicts against all the constitutional elements mentioned above. In addition, the bill of the government talks about a reliable COVID-19 test. What is this test? Because you can’t mean the PCR test we are currently using. Why does the government want to put a stick inside the heads of healthy people entering this country and punish them if they do not comply? Why would we even test asymptomatic people, when even the WHO has stated that asymptomatic humans are not contagious?
Honorable Chairman, as the PCR test is unreliable, asymptomatic people are not spreading the virus and the fatality rate related to COVID is below that of a regular seasonal influenza, I ask you: on what basis do we need a proposal for official assistance added to the epidemic law? In Finland we see annually over 3000 people dying from alcohol and over 13 000 from cardiovascular diseases. There are 150 people dying daily. To date there is zero officially confirmed coronavirus deaths in this country. On what basis can we declare exceptional circumstances in this nation? If the parliament approves this proposed bill, Finland can be locked down in the future also because of, say, average diarrhea. And every party in this parliament pressing the ’yes’ button can immediately forget about their claims of equality, both in their speeches as well as in their party programs. The only thing the government should now do is to study the damaging effects these tyrannical actions have on the Finnish citizens.
Honorable Chairman, I am now quoting the bill of the government: ”The COVID-19 vaccinations are proceeding and we have seen them prevent infections and lower the level of infectivity. This is why the officials have recommended that the testing of traveling passengers and quarantine recommendations could be lifted concerning the vaccinated people.”
The French Nobel-prize winner Luc Montagnier has said that the new variants are caused by the vaccines. He states that in every country the curve of vaccinations is followed by the curve of deaths. He has studied vaccinated patients and has come to a conclusion that the vaccinated people are now creating variants that are immune to vaccines. In other words the vaccinated people have become virus variant spreaders. So the government is now proposing that the healthy would be forced to be tested and poisonously injected virus variant spreaders would be freely let into the country. As we now know that the vaccinated people are spreading new virus variants, I must ask: how does the parliament think they are following this part of the bill of the government: ”This bill would in turn guarantee the right to life and health as stated in the 7th section of the constitution.”
Dear government, how can you claim that this measure secures the right to health, when poisonously injected people are welcomed to spread virus variants in Finland? This is deeply disrespectful towards the Finnish constitution and the whole government and the parliament is to blame. It won’t support equality and open discrimination can continue. Honorable Chairman, I visited the home pages of each party and they all mention equality. If you vote for this change in law, equality means nothing to you and you will also participate in unconstitutional discrimination of our people. Professor Montagnier continues: ”This is a huge scientific and a medical mistake. It is an unacceptable error that the history books will in time bring forth.”
Honorable Chairman, I will propose the rejection of this bill in the second handling. Thank you.”