Finnish MP Ano Turtiainen states in his speech, held on 2th July, that now is the final moment to understand what the plans of the government are. They want to support the WEF: the Great Reset, Agenda 2030 and the New World Order. Their attempt of involving the military forces – the newest element in the bill for epidemic law – would create a Holocaust-like medical apartheid in Finland.
Here is Ano´s complete speech as seen on this video:
Honorable Chairman, we stand in crossroads in the history of our nation and the world. The preparation and execution of the Great Reset, the World Economic Forum plan to re-establish the global economy, the Agenda 2030 and the creation of the New World Order are in full speed. The World Economic Forum is not hiding its agenda anymore but instead declaring the following on their Facebook page: ”In 2030 you will own nothing and you will be happy”.
Honorable Chairman, now that we have 7445 vaccine adverse reactions according to Fimea (Finnish Medicines Agency) and simultaneously we see military assistance proposed in this bill, I am puzzled. Is this because there is a concern that our misled citizens will wake up, become angry and start marching on the streets as they realize that our independence has been handed over, our possessions have been taken and even our healthcare system has been torn down?
Honorable colleagues, our beloved nation, our fatherland, is in an unconstitutional state, since the law is no longer followed, let alone enforced in this house. Now is the time to defend the human rights and the rule of law against the apartheid and holocaust tyranny of the government and THL (Finnish Institute for health and welfare). This bill is the newest and the most flagrant proof of this tyranny. We can´t have ostracized groups in a rule of law nation, whether they are vaccinated or not.
Honorable colleagues, I appeal to you. Join me in rejecting this bill and stand with me on the right side of history. Honorable Chairman, we need to return this country back as an independent state and the work has to begin immediately. This is why I propose that this bill will be rejected as unconstitutional. I wish you all a very nice summer. May God bless you. Thank you.

Thank you for speaking the truth
A really brave politician who speaks the truth for his country and people. Respect