The Finnish Parliament has returned from the summer break. The chairman of the new Power Belongs to the People -party, MP Ano Turtiainen, gave a speech in Parliament on 7th September 2021, which can also be found in text form here:
“Honorable Chairman. Today, the Parliament is dealing with two initiatives proposed by the government, both concerning the economic stability mechanism of the EU. They include content that will take Finland towards even greater integration with the European Union. As I was elected to work in this house in 2019 and as the work began, I was shocked to find, that almost every initiative that the government proposes is reforming our laws to make them more suitable for the EU. Today’s motions are no exception.
This code of conduct cannot handle daylight, when looked through the lense of our constitution. It is clear that the government is being controlled from outside of Finland and that as well is unconstitutional. My dear colleagues and honorable government: how dare you celebrate the Finnish independence, as you continually and bit by bit give it away? We have to stop this unpatriotic behaviour and start respecting the constitution again.
Dear Finnish citizens. These stability mechanism agreement fine-tuning actions are extremely dangerous, since they lead us step by step to a situation, where Finland or Finns no longer exist. Come and support the Power Belongs to the People -party. With a mandate strong enough we will return this fine nation to a place where the constitution is followed and respected. Then our legislation will not primarily serve the EU or any other foreign source. Instead, we make laws and deals that are first and foremost good for the Finnish people. We will also leave the EU, which we did not legally join in the first place.
Honorable Chairman. The Power Belongs to the People -party approves the European free-trade agreement but not the European federal state. This party has been founded to return Finland to a constitutional, independent nation. The EU agreements are constitutionally invalid and all other unconstitutional deals will be cancelled, as Power Belongs to the People -party ascends to power.
I plead you, my dear colleagues, please stand with me on the right side of history, join me in protecting the truth and the constitution. Thank you.”