On June 9th 2021 Ano Turtiainen, a Finnish Member of Parliament gave an honest and direct speech concerning the potential COVID vaccine-assisted genocide set currently in motion in Finland. He warned his colleagues and the media, that in case they continue misleading the Finnish citizens by maintaining the false narrative of safe vaccines, they are knowingly involved in crimes against humanity.
Thank God for this man Ano Turtiainen, who is daring to tell the truth!
Here is his complete speech as seen on this video:
“Honorable Chairman, the committee’s report mentions a wide range of real challenges to Finland’s security. This report however lacks a very serious challenge to the safety of Finland and Finns in our present everyday life. I refer to these so-called COVID vaccines which have also divided our people in two; awake and misguided.
Dear members of the Parliament (MP´s), I will now give you the following information so that you can never again plead ignorance after hearing this information about the risk to which Finnish citizens have been exposed. Finland is currently injecting its citizens with toxins disguised as COVID vaccines. Listen carefully. None of these injected poisons disguised as COVID vaccines has a marketing licence in Finland but only a conditional marketing authorisation from the European Medicines Agency (EMA). The terms of a conditional licence state that the authorization is conditional, quote: “The available information must demonstrate that the benefits of the medical product outweigh its risks.”
Secondly, dear colleagues, despite the repetition of the media we have so far officially zero COVID deaths in Finland. According to THL (equivalent to CDC) the official causes of death from the year 2020 will not be published until 2022. However according to Fimea (equivalent to VAERS) 78 people have died from COVID vaccines in Finland and there are 1,306 serious adverse reaction reports and 3,630 unprocessed reports. About 57% of processed reports are estimated to have serious adverse reactions. The source for this is Fimea (www.fimea.fi).
Thirdly, conditional marketing licence for these toxics which are disguised as COVID vaccines also says, quote: “The applicant must be able to provide comprehensive clinical information in the future.” Dear colleagues, this text is taken directly from the website of European Medicines Agency (EMA). I have said here many times that this is a human experiment. In violation of the Nuremberg Code, Finns have not been told that this is a human experiment.
Now with this speech, I have made all of you, as well as the media, aware that this is a human experiment and that its results are terrible. By comparison, the previously failed vaccine experiment Pandemrix was stopped with 32 times fewerside effects than what we have now. So, now I ask you all: how many more people should die or get injured before we interrupt this killing of people?
Dear colleagues, you are now aware of this extreme severe security threat facing our nation and that the disadvantages from the injections outweigh the benefits. You no longer have a reason not to act to save our nation.
Finally, if you still continue misleading our citizens by telling them for example fairy tales that vaccines are safe and have a marketing licence you are intentionally involved in several crimes, the most serious of these may be even genocide. Once again, I remind everyone of you here: a crime becomes intentional when it is committed knowingly. Now you are all aware. Thank you.”
-Finnish MP, Ano Turtiainen

Ano Turtiainen on nahtavasti ainoa rehellinen ja rohkea mies eduskunta talossa.
Alkakaa valmiiksi kerää kaikki nimet listaan keitä vastaan syyte aiotaan nostaa kansanmurhasta, julkaiskaa se ja pistäkää puntti tutisee.. kova kovaa vastaan!
[…] COVID Vaccine Genocide – ENGLISH SUBTITLES – Rapsodia — Weiterlesen rapsodia.fi/covid-vaccine-genocide-english-subtitles/ […]
Thank God responsible politicians still exist….Bravo!
Here is another Ano Turtiainen’s speech from 16th of June 2021 with english subtitles https://rapsodia.fi/parliament-censored-mps-speech-in-finland/
Są jeszcze faceci z jajami a ni sprzedajne qu..y
[…] how many more people should die or get injured before we interrupt this killing of people?“ Here is his complete speech as seen on this video: “Honorable Chairman, the committee’s report mentions a wide range of real challenges […]
Onko tavallinen valhemedia myös ilmoitettu kansalaisille tämä kansanedustajan puhe?
[…] how many more people should die or get injured before we interrupt this killing of people?” Here is his complete speech as seen on this video: “Honorable Chairman, the committee’s report mentions a wide range of real challenges […]
[…] Here is his complete speech as seen on this video: “Honorable Chairman, the committee’s report mentions a wide range of real challenges to Finland’s security. This report however omits a very serious challenge to the safety of Finland and Finns… I refer to these so-called COVID vaccines which have also divided our people in two; the awake and misguided. You can never again plead ignorance about the risk to which Finnish citizens have been exposed. Finland is currently injecting its citizens with toxins disguised as COVID vaccines. Listen carefully. None of these injected poisons disguised as COVID vaccines has a marketing licence in Finland but only a conditional marketing authorization from the European Medicines Agency (EMA). The terms of a conditional licence state that the authorization is conditional: “The available information must demonstrate that the benefits of the medical product outweigh its risks.” Secondly, dear colleagues, despite the repetition of the media we have so far officially zero COVID deaths in Finland. According to THL (equivalent to CDC) the official causes of death from the year 2020 will not be published until 2022. However according to Fimea (equivalent to VAERS) 78 people have died from COVID vaccines in Finland and there are 1,306 serious adverse reaction reports and 3,630 unprocessed reports. About 57% of processed reports are estimated to have serious adverse reactions. The source for this is Fimea (www.fimea.fi). Thirdly, conditional marketing licence for these toxins… also says: “The applicant must be able to provide comprehensive clinical information in the future.” … In violation of the Nuremberg Code, Finns have not been told that this is a human experiment. Now with this speech, I have made all of you, as well as the media, aware that this is a human experiment and that its results are terrible. By comparison, the previously failed vaccine experiment Pandemrix was stopped with 32 times fewer side effects than what we have now. So, now I ask you all: how many more people should die or get injured before we interrupt this killing of people? Dear colleagues, you are now aware of this extreme severe security threat facing our nation and that the disadvantages from the injections outweigh the benefits. You no longer have a reason not to act to save our nation. Finally, if you still continue misleading our citizens by telling them fairy tales that vaccines are safe and have a marketing licence, you are intentionally involved in several crimes, the most serious of these may be even genocide. Once again, I remind everyone of you here: a crime becomes intentional when it is committed knowingly. Now you are all aware. Thank you.” -Finnish MP, Ano Turtiainen https://www.henrymakow.com/2021/06/covid-vaccines-are-toxic.html?_ga=2.62913774.319600760.1622905010-903648786.1588285733 […]
what a good man a lot of people know what is going on in the world the Government/s should be put in prison at the least we have to get ridge of the Evil people in our world put them up again the wall and shoot them
What is the English name of the vaccine that the Finns are using?
They use name “koronarokote”. Here is also another Ano Turtiainen’s speech from 16th of June 2021 with English subtitles https://rapsodia.fi/parliament-censored-mps-speech-in-finland/
All possible three are given here: Pfizer/BionTech, Moderna and AstraZeneca
[…] by Rapsodia.fi […]
[…] to this brave leader from Finland, Ano Turtiainen, member of Parliament of Finland, [give] a straight speech 9.6.2021… He […]
Thank you from the whole world – thank you.
So much gratitude to this Man
[…] Publié le 16.6.2021 par mirastnews et Rapsodia.fi […]
genetic weapons alert.
Mystic and Yogi
[…] Research, June 17, 2021Rapsodia 13 June […]
[…] View the video here. […]
[…] Hier ist das Transkript der vollständigen Rede und unten finden Sie den Link zum Video: […]
[…] Source: Rapsodia.fi […]
[…] hier de hele video met Engelse […]
[…] Voir la vidéo originale ici. […]
Merci, la verite. Voudriez vous aussi envoyer le message a Merkel, Macron, Rutte et tous kes ecrocs qui
gouvernent notr monde diabolique!
[…] COVID Vaccine Genocide – ENGLISH SUBTITLES […]
Cuál es el nombre de la vacuna que está utilizando Finland??? Finlandia tiene su vacuna ?? Cómo está la estadística de contagio por Covid 19 en Finlandia?
[…] Izvor: https://rapsodia.fi/covid-vaccine-genocide-english-subtitles/ […]
[…] sein kann. Hier ist das Transkript der vollständigen Rede und unten finden Sie den Link zum Video: […]
Good to see more elected representatives represent thee people that elected them for a change. We have two notable politicians in Canada speaking out. Maxime Bernier Leader of the Peoples Party of Canada former MP and Mark Sloan currently serving as an independent MP, I believe he was kicked out of the Conservative party in Canada.
[…] Am 6. Juni hielt Mitglied des finnischen Parlaments, Ano Turtiainen, vor dem Parlament diese Ansprache: […]
The Third World War is here now, Ladies and Gentleman.
Let’s not shame our ancestors and give a worthy rebuff to fascism!
[…] © Rapsodia.fi […]
[…] Finsk parlament medlem snakker ut: https://rapsodia.fi/covid-vaccine-genocide-english-subtitles/ […]
[…] Ano Turtiainen begin juni een knuppel in het hoenderhok met een bijzonder kritische en aanklagende speech. Turtiainen maakte gewag van een aan de gang zijnde GENOCIDE in Finland en waarschuwde dat er een […]
[…] Wysłane dnia 19.06.2021 autor: EraOfLight https://rapsodia.fi/covid-vaccine-genocide-english-subtitles/ […]
[…] COVID Vaccine Genocide – ENGLISH SUBTITLES […]
Blessings to Mr. Ano Turtieinen.
Because “Only the truth can save us”
And the MATRIX is the Lie, we must fight in every level because all is based on lies, fear, and MISINFORMATION….
Blessings Mr. Ano Turtienen
Dear Rapsodia, Greetings from Australia.(I only speak english). We are one of the last nation’s to experience the COVID-19 virus. This has caused us to largely rely on advice from Italy, WHO, USA, (CDC), UK, Europe, Canada, Big-Pharma & the Multi Media etc. This has been a great disadvantage to our Government, Medical Professionals etc, as no Doctors encountered hundreds ( let alone thousands) of patients suffering from an unknown disease. Therefore they did not ‘need’ to try to find a solution. Most Drs treated patients according to the advice given by the above countries / organisations. A few Drs chose to treat their patients differently (& successfully ), & one Federal Govt. Politician (as far as I know) has spoken courageously about the lies & misinformation from the above. The problem of our Drs etc, is that they don’t seem to believe that evil exists & with multi media shutting down any information that differs from ‘their guidelines’ they have convinced people that they shouldn’t bother with the ‘conspiracy theorists’! A democratic society believes that debate is good & healthy! I don’t know exactly what we are, in Australia today, but we certainly aren’t democratic!! Thankyou to all the courageous people who have gone into battle to save & protect the world. We pray daily for you, your families & loved ones. May God protect your bodies & souls. I used to ponder how the German people enabled Hitler to to commit such atrociates & they fought for him & carried out his orders. Now I understand, all he had to do was to convince them evil doesn’t exist.
[…] COVID Vaccine Genocide […]
Blessings to Mr. Ano Turtieinen.
Because “Only the truth can save us”
And the MATRIX is the Lie, we must fight in every level because all is based on lies, fear, and MISINFORMATION….
Blessings Mr. Ano Turtienen
The actual numbers of adverse reactions and deaths from the fake vaccines (mrna gene tech are not vaccines) can be found here every week:
The EU EMA ‘eudravigilance’ : http://www.adrreports.eu/en/index.html
the UK MHRA: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-vaccine-adverse-reactions/coronavirus-vaccine-summary-of-yellow-card-reporting#annex-1-vaccine-analysis-print
and the US CDC: https://vaers.hhs.gov
As it stands this week, more than 1.5 million people experienced adverse reactions (50% are serious injuries)
and more than 15 000 died
There is no precedent in human history for a so-called ‘vaccine’ to have caused so many harm and deaths in just about 6 months.
In such case, the drugs involved should have been removed from the market. On the contrary they now want to inject our kids!
The genocide accusation is therefore pertinent. These people and the media are criminal against humanity.
Thank you so much for your speech. I am from Germany and the situation is worst. People who tell the truth are immediately blocked and accused of being conspirators. How can it be that people don’t wake up?
Thank you.
Thank you Mr Turtiainen
Thank you for your courage Mr. Turtiainen, you are a real honorable man for speaking up for your people. I wish we had a politician like you here in Canada. God bless you, sir!
Thank you for speaking for the people. I live in Canada where the same genocide is happening. I do believe and hope that more people will wake up, and say no. Our charter of rights and freedoms are being taken away not by science but by the opinion of politicians and appointed health officials that can’t think on their own, they are being instructed by big pharma and people like Bill Gates, who has huge financial gains by causing fear and uncertainty in our people with there lies.
PS I realy feel for our Australian Drs etc who honestly believed the advice they were given was correct. When they discover that they have killed many & caused great suffering & harm to others they’ll be devastated. I pray the guilty be tried for murder & the innocent set free.
[…] conscientes que a Saúde Pública é questão de Soberania Nacional. (Declaração do Primeiro Ministro da Finlândia sobre “vacinas” e genocídio; Presidente do México declarou […]
Best view i have ever seen !
[…] – Planning of mass murder and identifying specific victims. (by force injecting deadly substances in people under the guise of ‘health crisis’ manufactured in the first place. In […]
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