The chairman of the new Power Belongs to the People -party (PBP), MP Ano Turtiainen, gave a speech in the Parliament on 12th October 2021. This speech was censored from Ano Turtiainen´s own YouTube channel. The Finnish Parliament accepted COVID passport later on as they voted for it on 15th of October 2021. Please share this brave example to inspire other MP´s around the world to resist these evil COVID passports which are coming straight from the pit of hell. Here is Ano´s complete speech in text form:
“Thank you, honorable Chairman. We experience an ever-increasing pressure, pushing people to take the experimental COVID vaccines. We’re even witnessing promises of free buckets and gift cards as a reward for taking the jab. Even the Finnish members of the Parliament have been urged to take a full set of vaccines. Yet the safety of these jabs is not guaranteed and their manufacturers won’t take any responsibility for them. I have approached the Permanent Secretary with an urgent appeal to stop vaccinations and to analyse the content of these injections.
We must not rely on THL’s (Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare) one-sided and contradictory information. Not all experts agree on the severity of the coronavirus nor the safety of vaccines, yet there is an obvious, deliberate aim to follow the one-truth-principle. If we’d experience a real fatal disease that would wipe out half of the population, these drastic restrictions would have been justified. But in the light of the statistics, coronavirus has been defined as something all-too dangerous and the protective measures have been outrageously exaggerated and over-the-top. The COVID passport project is a political propaganda operation that, through intimidation, seeks to subjugate people to a major social change. One that, if asked directly, no one would ever permit. Unfortunately, our state leaders are under political influence of foreign forces and maneuvers. The whole fake pandemic has been artificially maintained to reach highly questionable political goals, in which Finland’s interests have been deliberately forgotten.
Honorable Chairman. Our constitution forbids putting people in an unequal position. The Equality Act prohibits discrimination. If the COVID passport is approved, it will violate the above mentioned constitutional laws. Thus leading to discrimination against non-vaccinated people, isolating them from society. Apparently, the COVID passport is designed to become a permanent tool for human control, already resembling mark of the Beast in the Book of Revelation. If this will be realized, you cannot buy or sell anything without a passport. And you can’t travel without a passport. And I don’t believe you’ll be entitled to a bank account without a passport. Next to such totalitarianism, even the communists, fascists and Nazis will pale in comparison. The official truth is that vaccines are the only way out of the pandemic. That is not true. The only way out of this lie is for us, through a political decision, to end the whole pandemic and admit that we have lived in delusion and that we have been misled.
In worst-case scenarios, people that are vaccinated against coronavirus will become terminally ill within two years’ time. The injection is a poison that destroys natural human immunity and does not provide protection against the actual disease. If this scenario becomes reality, the massive experiment on humanity will become an ugly chapter in the books of history. But like a house of cards this coup built after President Kekkonen, aiming to move the whole country under foreign legislation, will soon collapse. In the VKK (the Power Belongs to the People party) we have already started preparations for the reconstruction of this country.
Medical decisions should never be made based on political motives. These are not matters of the government but those of doctors and patients. Surely everyone here understands that the underlying motive for COVID vaccines is the pharmaceutical companies’ insatiable desire for money. Even our incumbent Prime Minister (Sanna Marin) has written a brilliant blog post on the subject during her brightest years. It is up to us in this building to defend the human rights of individuals that seem to matter almost nothing in the Big Pharma game.
Honorable Chairman, the COVID passport should not be implemented, and I hope, ladies and gentlemen, you will be so alert at the second reading of the bill that it will be unanimously rejected. Thank you.”