Finnish MP Ano Turtiainen from VKK party (PBP, Power Belongs to the People) gave a speech 9th of December 2021 about the bill aiming to legalize forced vaccinations for social and health care workers in Finland. He read an open letter of a nurse stating that there will be massive resistance if the bill is approved. Turtiainen also reminded his colleagues that The Law of God and Finnish Constitution are superior to any other laws.
Here is Ano´s complete speech in text form:
“Honorable Chairman and dear colleagues. I talk to you on behalf of the 1.6 million unvaccinated Finns and also on behalf of the injected ones, who’ve come to realize they’ve been misled. The Parliament would have the possibility to stop the madness around this bill right now. Instead, you are continuing the oppression of the Finnish people – knowingly and deliberately.
Thousands of professionals working on the social and health care found out yesterday that their positions are threatened. It is because you plan to legally approve, that employers can demand a questionable and experimental vaccine as a requirement for employees to keep their jobs.
I have received hundreds of messages from social and health care workers, and I quote one of them: ”As nurses we’ve taken an oath to treat every patient and every customer equally. We’ve sworn to respect their right for self-determination and physical integrity. This is the fundamental value our entire work ethics is based on. Now we’re facing a situation, where we, the nurses, no longer have these rights unless we consent to mandatory vaccinations. I want to let the decision-makers know that we’ve unionized, and we’ll defend our right to work and do what we do with love and pride by all means necessary. We are not willing to sell our integrity and self-determination to keep our jobs. Everyone has the freedom of choice. We also have readiness to resign and reposition ourselves, because our ethics does not approve threatening, blackmailing nor discrimination when it comes to health. We are ready to resist this oppression by all possible means.”
Honorable Chairman and dear colleagues. If the message I just read does not touch you or if it provokes contempt towards certain groups of people in this country, shame on you and leave this house immediately. Only an enemy of our fine nation and a foe of the Finnish people can cause tens of thousands of nurses suffering as reward for their work.
If this bill is approved, the whole Parliament must resign – each and everyone, including myself – because that would tell us that this Parliament is incapable of looking after our country and its people. The Finns have taken so much hit during the past year that they know well who to elect in order to make Finland independent, re-establish the well-being of its people and get her back on her feet again.
We will need a caretaker government until the people have elected a new Parliament. All agreements, laws and acts done in the Covid19 context must be invalidated. As a matter of fact this concerns the whole legislation during the crisis.
Honorable Chairman and dear colleagues. Ask yourselves a few times, do you want to break peace in our society? Next, ask yourselves where does bullying and inequality of citizens lead to?
Dear Finnish citizens, do not approve this illegality and oppression built under the Devil’s cape. Unite and fight against this madness with all your power.
Finally, I remind you, dear colleagues: your motion will never repeal the Constitution of the Republic of Finland – never. God has given us this country and created its highly able people, not to mention our beautiful language. The Law of God comes first and then comes the Constitution. Satan has no party here and awakened people will make sure of it. Thank you.”
You can find more Ano’s speeches here: ANO TURTIAINEN – ENGLISH