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Finnish people will not be forcefully vaccinated
The chairman of the new Power Belongs to the People -party (PBP), MP Ano Turtiainen, gave a rigorous speech in the Finnish Parliament on November 30th 2021. The Parliament was mooting on the amendment of the Communicable Diseases Act. Please share this brave example to inspire also other MP’s all around the world to resist these evil laws and COVID mandates.
Here is Ano´s complete speech in text form:
“Honorable Chairman. With this proposal the government is continuing the validity of temporary and highly questionable epidemic law. Last time, as I spoke some unfiltered truths about the law, my speech here in the Parliament was sabotaged by muting my microphone. Even YouTube has deleted two of my speeches related to this topic and given me a fixed term publishing ban because of them.
My dear colleagues; isn’t this enough evidence alone to question what is being done? Don’t you think it is alarming that one cannot disagree in this house anymore? How about the fact that our people are divided in two by socialist, tyrannical and illegal acts coming from abroad? The whole world is divided in two; people, churches, homes, absolutely everything. There are people even in this great hall who have laughed when I have told you that we are in the third World War. Aren’t you even bothered by the fact that no one in this country is feeling well anymore, not even those who have submitted themselves to fear and done all the things that the mainstream media and state leadership have told them to do? Don´t you understand, that you are writing the dark end times to our history?
I was standing in this podium already a long time ago, telling you what all of this is really about and I also told you about your responsibility regarding these matters. I told you then, that now you know and you can never again appeal to ignorance. Still after these speeches I have heard in a private conversation a member of a government party suggesting hand cuffs for the unvaccinated. They are already taking unvaccinated people to isolation camps in Australia. I repeat to you, my dear colleagues: we haven’t had a seriously deadly epidemic in Finland since the Spanish disease and there is not a massively fatal epidemic in the country now. Everyone in this hall who is not questioning the law we are dealing with is guilty of submission of healthy, dissident people, discrimination, manhunt and incitement against group of people. It is certainly a path leading to the famous lake of fire and brimstone and we can surely see Biblical characteristics of apocalypse in all of this.
Lännen Media (a Finnish newspaper) asked the members of parliament their opinions on forced vaccinations which tells us that such insanity is already on the table. I tell it now straight to your face: Finnish people will not be forcefully vaccinated. It is absolutely certain. If you plan to implement it, there won’t be peace in our nation anymore and it won’t return until all of you have been held accountable and charged for your actions. We need to stop immediately the use of so-called health passports that are discriminating and half-forcing our citizens to vaccinate themselves. It is nothing but a political decision to end COVID in Finland – and we can do it in this hall. You lawmakers; you are taking a huge risk joining the media in the fictitious virus variant game, aiming to cover up the adverse reactions caused by injections.
Honorable Chairman. My dear colleagues, please have the courage to question the path of darkness you’ve strayed on. Ask yourselves, is everything alright in this society now. Do you think we can fix things with unequal actions that you keep on planning in your darkness? Come out of the dark because this is the last stop. Turn to the light coming from the North – the same light that even the Holy Book mentions. Believe it or not, that light is coming and with it all evil and all darkness will flee from this nation. Thank you.”
You can find more Ano’s speeches here.